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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

ENT with Mommy...

Monday I had my appointment I've been dreading to make, much less GO!  I met with the ENT to talk about him removing my tonsils.  If you remember back here (mid way through post) I.NEED.THEM.OUT.  Luckily I'll be able to have it done during Thanksgiving break...when my brother will be enjoying himself on the largest cruise ship in the world...BUT...I'm not bitter at all.  My Dr. said I'm going to have to have one more sore throat to not ever have to have a sore throat again!  YIIPEEE!  I think I can do it!  :P
We were in there WAAAY longer than expected & Punkin was great!  I had to entertain him, but he did well, & he hadn't even had a morning nap!  And he pooped a BIG one while we were in the room waiting on the Dr.  Luckily they had a bathroom with a changing table!  I don't know what else I would have done!
He was dramatic about one thing...I had JUST filled his sippy cup up in the sink & he had it in his hand, and I had taken something away from for some reason & he got mad, THREW his sippy down on the ground SO hard that the nipple part seperated from the lid.  OMG.  Water...every.where!  There were paper towels in there so I just tried to wipe it up as best as I could.  I don't know what I'm gonna do with this temper that he has!  :P

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