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Monday, July 18, 2011

22 months & Punkin's Sandbox!

Over a week ago my sweet boy turned 22 months old!  I can't hardly believe it!  Only 2 months away from 2 YEARS OLD!  Has it seriously been THAT LONG?  KeeKee got Punkin' a sandbox a few weeks back & I finally made it to Lowe's to get my boy some sand!  He was so excited!  We couldn't even get home fast enough!
-He has started to put words together this month like baseball game & sandbox. Words that doesn't always go together, but can go together!  It's pretty sweet I think!

-He calls snuggling "snuggle me" now because one night I was laying on the couch & said, "come snuggle me"...it's so sweet when he says "snuggle me?"

-He doesn't forget ANYTHING it seems like!  I can tell him something ONE time & he remembers it from there on out!  

-He still has to have all his animal friends with him when he goes to bed...it's so sweet, but sometimes it's annoying!
 -He LOOOOVEs gymnastics!  I can't even talk about it until it's time to leave because he gets SO excited about it & thinks we are going RIGHT now!  He is a wild child at 'nastics though, but I know he loves it!

-He seriously talks NON-STOP & communicates so well at what he wants & what he needs! I LOVE it!
-Funny story:  When he has crusty boogers at the bottom of his nose, I just wipe them off & say "gotta get your boogers" then say "got it".  Well, recently Ryder has started to look up IN my nose, say "boogers!" & then proceed to stick his thumb & pointer finger up in my nose to "get it" & then flicking it in the floor.  OH MY WORD!  I can't help but laugh EVERY time he does this!  He has even started to do this to my parents!  We just let him do it!
-He LOVES Fro Yo.  We go a lot now that it is summer & he even gets his own bowl now!--Birthday cake & orange sherbert!
-When I walk into his room in the mornings, the first thing he says is "Mornin'"--Melts my heart every time.
-We snuggle every night before bed & one night I said "come snuggle me" so now when he wants to snuggle he says "snuggle me?"  Too cute!!
-He repeats EVERYTHING & is seriously like my little parrot!
-When we got some where & I don't want him to talk in his "friends" (stuffed animals) I tell him they have to stay in the car to "take a nap" & he seems to be okay with this!  Ha!
-He LOOVES milk.  Almost too much.  I really have to work hard at making him drink SOME water every day.
-Every time he plays in his sandbox he think he has to take his shoes off.
-My crazy child still likes to wear my high heels!--Even the highest ones I own!
-He is wearing size 7 (almost 8) shoe & 24 month clothing & some 2T stuff, & size 5 diapers.

That's all I can think of for now!  Happy 22 months baby boy!  Mommy loves you so much!


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