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Saturday, July 13, 2013

friday night lovin'

We are loving Fridays around here!  Even though it's summer time...a Friday still seems to be our favorite day of the week!

I can send R to school in the mornings, pick him up after lunch, and then head to the pool!  Best of both worlds!  He gets friend time and I get a little break and then we can hang out together!  

The pool always wears this lil bit out!  Home for baths and showers!
I always want Patron on the weekends...they have some amaze homemade tortillas and...they are just too good!  KeeKee and Poppy went with us...one of the waiters loves Ryder and always asks, "Where your baby?" when I got in there without him, brought R his own bowl of cheese dip (without us even ordering) and then also brought him out soup-a-pias with whip cream, honey and chocolate syrup on them!  R didn't want them at first...but we talked him into trying them!  You see they there GONE!  Ha!  They are just so sweet there...and it's definitely my new favorite Mexican restaurant in town since my old favorite closed down a couple of years ago!

...and because we were with Poppy, we had to stop and get some marble slab ice cream on our way home!  :P  Like the kid hadn't had enough sugar already!  ;)


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