I hope everyone had a fun 4th! Me & mom just did a little shopping...R was with his dad & they had a biggo time at Mimi's house! I was glad to get my baby back last night though...we cooked a yummy dinner over at my parents & enjoyed just hanging out & relaxing. But boy...has today felt like a Monday ALL over again! Two in one week is TORTURE! :P Here a just a few random things that have been going on around here...nothing fancy.
- Can he really be getting that long? It just amazes me when he is all stretched out like that!
- These are horse apples that we found on our trip to the farm & I knew I had to have them because they matched my kitchen so well! Ryder calls this is "snowman"--we'll see how long they last!
- Saw this on my tire the other morning leaving for school...I guess it's about that time of year! I remember "collecting" this as a kid when we would go on bike rides! Ha! EWW-gross!!
- We don't see/hear much from Uncle G in Destin...so I was happy to see this picture of him "busy at work!" He happens to work with a girl he graduated High School with at Brooks Brothers, so that's kinda fun! & I thought he looked awfully cute! ;)
- I went into The Kitchen Store & More to get a gift, but of course, I had to look around for a bit too! They seriously have some of the cutest stuff...I snapped a few fun pics of things I liked!
- I love this platter, the color & the saying are just TOO perfect for my green, grey, black & white kitchen!
- Not at all saddened by the fact that I have to return my rented book back to the bookstore tomorrow! WAHOO!
- I'm gonna have to find R a coral tie & some of those boots for fall! LOVE this lil outfit!
- We went to the library one day & this is lil man "pretending" to eat a banana like I taught him! They have a little play kitchen & he just LOVES it!
- He also had his first frappe that day...but it wasn't really a big hit.
- This is on my list of things to finish making for my kitchen this summer...
- In love with this person's handwriting! GORG!
- Saw this burlap baseball hanger at ACE hardware & I can't wait to make one for when R is playing ball! TOO cute!
One more day of class for this Mama & that is TWO more classes checked off of my list! WAHOO! Glad to knock them out in 5 weeks! No big plans this weekend which I'm kinda looking forward to!

LOVE that teacher sign! too cute!