first full day at the BEACH! R had been patiently waiting for so long...& he was finally getting to touch that sand! He loved it--& never complained, which made it so nice! He loved the sand & the water...which last year he didn't love too much, so that was nice!
Funny story: So...Ryder, Mister Chatter Box--was going around the pool asking all the little kids their names. He came to this little boy & the boy replied, "Ryder"--we couldn't believe it! So they instantly became friends & were constantly looking for each other every day at the pool! It was too cute! You should have heard both Mama's yelling at the boys..."Ryder, don't do that." "Ryder, don't squirt people in the face." & they would both turn & look! Too funny!
I had taken my Jesus Calling book down in my bag & just loved that day's passage. It couldn't have been more perfect for being on vacation.
We headed up for lunch after a while & then made our way back down for a little pool time!
I would say Beach Day #1 was a SUCCESS!

this blog amazing!