{June 24}
Someone stayed up late & helped me make my first batch of homemade brownies! They weren't as good as the boxed kind, but that fed my craving! ;)
{June 25}
This was before gymnastics, this is one of Ryder's new friends, Jordyn. They are pretty finny together!
{June 26}
Oh you know...just a typical day around here. ;)
{June 27}
Crazy night life for this Mama! :P Only FOUR more days! I.CAN.DO.IT!
{June 28}
He is hardly ever this still, except when he is sleeping, so I had to snap a pic! Probably watching Toy Story or Mickey Mouse!
{June 29}
So glad that Dell called us when she was in town! We met up & had breakfast before class on Friday--aren't they TOO funny! So thankful for her friendship even though we're a few hours away! :)
{June 30}
He loves his Tang! {actually...my Tang!}

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