{July 1}
Going to see his Dad after church...I thought he looked awfully handsome!
{July 2}
Long summer days without a nap are getting the best of my little man around 6 or 7 o'clock each night. Poor baby...I sent him to sit with Poppy while me & mom finished getting dinner ready & this is what happened. Ha! He was out...COLD!
{July 3}
While getting everybody's plates to the table, my lil man was posin' like this on top of the table! Ha! Too much!
{July 4}
R spend the night at his Dad's on the 3rd & went out to Mimi & Pawpaw's on the 4th...Mom & I got out & did a little shopping & then got Punkin' back before dinner. We cooked a yummy meal & didn't do one firework! Ha! But we still had fun!
{July 5}
For some reason...R was all about wearing his helmet & being safe! So...he wore it all night! I love the pic of him & Charlie at the top!
{July 6}
Friday was my last day of summer school! WAHOO!! To celebrate, I took R to Maggie's cookies & we had cookies & a coke! He loved it! We went to Dixie Cafe with KeeKee for dinner & then came home & threw some pop rock firework things...R loved them!
{July 7}
Since it was on 97 instead of 107...I decided we'd head to the pool. It wasn't too sunny out so no one was there, which was kinda nice. R found this "parrot" & fell in love. I thought he looked pretty goofy! Ha!

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