Even though we had just gotten there the night before, Monday morning we were up & around...& NOT headed out to the beach! We were headed to Destin to see Uncle G!! He was officially done working at Brooks Brothers, but still had a few days before he came home.
The plan was to go & see G's place where he had been living, but traffic was INSANE trying to get there, so we just met him at Dewey Destin's for lunch...& OMG the view was like nothing I had ever seen down there...especially not at a restaurant!
It was so neat to see Uncle G walk up & Ryder's reaction to it! This is one of my all time favorite pictures! We were all so excited to see him! & he officially looked like a FL local! Ha!
We had a great lunch with G, but it was time for us to head to Pensacola to have dinner with some family that lives there & bring Naynee back to the condo with us for the week!
It was so stinkin' hott out there--hence the ponytail {ew} but a beautiful view, no doubt!
Between Destin & Pensacola, we had to stop at an Urgent Care...not for R, but for ME--stupid bacterial infection that was making these ugly red dots pop up on my legs...luckily I got some ABs & didn't have to worry about it being staph! :0
While waiting for my prescription at Walgreens, we had to hit up some Fro Yo to kill some time!
...& this is what my pill bottle said--WHILE I'M ON VACA AT.THE.BEACH. Yeah right! Luckily I didn't break out or anything...but I did wear sunscreen on my entire body, which is something I've honestly never done.
We had some time to kill in Pensacola, so we found a park for us to chill & so R could run around. Poor baby had been in the car for the last two days! It was crazy for us to be sitting out there & enjoying the pretty weather, in FL & in July! It was so much cooler there than it is at home...which is crazy!!
THIS was what was for dinner & OMG...I had never even heard of it & it was so so SO good! It was so fun to meet up with our family down there & just get to visit with everybody! I even got to meet some family members I hadn't ever met before which is always fun!
The ceilings & walls are covered in one dollar bills...a sign said "One Million & Counting"--& this was seriously probably the biggest restaurant I have ever been to. You could easily get lost...trust me, I would know--we were at the opposite end of the restrooms & guess what 2 year old had to go about 15 times???
This is McKenna--who I had never met! I was actually in her parents wedding over ten years ago & then they were off to Japan to live. She was born there & now lives in the Northeast, so I've never had the opportunity to meet her...but luckily she was down visiting her grandma for a while when we were in town! Of course Ryder just LOVED her! =)

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