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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Beach 2012-Day 4

It was our last day, & it was also a rainy day...so we made it a shopping day!  I didn't have much in mind except for finding R some fall clothes & maybe a few tops for myself to wear to school in the fall as well!  We had a fun day out...Chick-Fil-A for breakfast with a Starbucks coffee--NOT complaining! =)

R wanted to R the carousal, so I let him!--He really had been so good all day as we drug him from store to store...I was so proud of him for getting on his own horse & not crying like he did last year!  :P  He loved it & can't wait to do it again!

Ryder-22 months

Last year, he was scared.to.death!  Glad he enjoyed it this year & let me ride on my own horse! :P
He was such a lil babe!
Sweet baby passed out the night before we left...he had had a BIG week!  Can't wait to take him back next year!  Will he really be ALMOST FOUR  that point?  No way... :(


Beach 2012-Day 3

Some more fun in the sand...

I loved this ring around the sun...it was visibly there--no filter added.
Mama had a lil bit of homework to do while we were there...but I wasn't complaining!  It's better than going to class every day!
Time to go crab hunting for the first time!
We found a good handful, but they were all really small...but I was just glad R got to experience it!  I remember doing this all the time as a little girl!


Beach 2012-Day 2

Finally...at first full day at the BEACH!  R had been patiently waiting for so long...& he was finally getting to touch that sand!  He loved it--& never complained, which made it so nice!  He loved the sand & the water...which last year he didn't love too much, so that was nice!

Funny story:  So...Ryder, Mister Chatter Box--was going around the pool asking all the little kids their names.  He came to this little boy & the boy replied, "Ryder"--we couldn't believe it!  So they instantly became friends & were constantly looking for each other every day at the pool!  It was too cute!  You should have heard both Mama's yelling at the boys..."Ryder, don't do that."  "Ryder, don't squirt people in the face."  & they would both turn & look!  Too funny!

I had taken my Jesus Calling book down in my bag & just loved that day's passage.  It couldn't have been more perfect for being on vacation.

We headed up for lunch after a while & then made our way back down for a little pool time!

Poppy came down for just a few minutes to see us & he got one of R's squirters & started to squirt R...well don't under estimate a two year old!  Poor Poppy was running around in his boot to get away from R...but as you can see R got him PRETTY GOOD in the leg!  Then it was time for us to head back up to the room!

We took a quick trip to the grocery store for Naynee to get some things & R was passed out after 2 minutes in the car...that water just wore him out!! :P
I would say Beach Day #1 was a SUCCESS!

Beach 2012-Day 1

Even though we had just gotten there the night before, Monday morning we were up & around...& NOT headed out to the beach!  We were headed to Destin to see Uncle G!!  He was officially done working at Brooks Brothers, but still had a few days before he came home.

The plan was to go & see G's place where he had been living, but traffic was INSANE trying to get there, so we just met him at Dewey Destin's for lunch...& OMG the view was like nothing I had ever seen down there...especially not at a restaurant!

It was so neat to see Uncle G walk up & Ryder's reaction to it!  This is one of my all time favorite pictures!  We were all so excited to see him!  & he officially looked like a FL local!  Ha!

We had a great lunch with G, but it was time for us to head to Pensacola to have dinner with some family that lives there & bring Naynee back to the condo with us for the week!

It was so stinkin' hott out there--hence the ponytail {ew} but a beautiful view, no doubt!

Between Destin & Pensacola, we had to stop at an Urgent Care...not for R, but for ME--stupid bacterial infection that was making these ugly red dots pop up on my legs...luckily I got some ABs & didn't have to worry about it being staph!  :0
While waiting for my prescription at Walgreens, we had to hit up some Fro Yo to kill some time!
...& this is what my pill bottle said--WHILE I'M ON VACA AT.THE.BEACH.  Yeah right!  Luckily I didn't break out or anything...but I did wear sunscreen on my entire body, which is something I've honestly never done.

We had some time to kill in Pensacola, so we found a park for us to chill & so R could run around.  Poor baby had been in the car for the last two days!  It was crazy for us to be sitting out there & enjoying the pretty weather, in FL & in July!  It was so much cooler there than it is at home...which is crazy!!
THIS was what was for dinner & OMG...I had never even heard of it & it was so so SO good!  It was so fun to meet up with our family down there & just get to visit with everybody!  I even got to meet some family members I hadn't ever met before which is always fun!
The ceilings & walls are covered in one dollar bills...a sign said "One Million & Counting"--& this was seriously probably the biggest restaurant I have ever been to.  You could easily get lost...trust me, I would know--we were at the opposite end of the restrooms & guess what 2 year old had to go about 15 times???

This is McKenna--who I had never met!  I was actually in her parents wedding over ten years ago & then they were off to Japan to live.  She was born there & now lives in the Northeast, so I've never had the opportunity to meet her...but luckily she was down visiting her grandma for a while when we were in town!  Of course Ryder just LOVED her!  =)
