R has been on green all week--SO thankful! :P
He went to Mimi & Pawpaw's on Tuesday night & had a big'ole time of course! I was happy to see him yesterday when I went to pick him up! We went & ate Chick with KeeKee & Poppy for dinner & then it was time for Ryder to go to AWANA for the first time! I can't even believe he is old enough for that! He asked me what he was going to do at AWANA & I told him he was going to learn Bible verses & then they might have game time. He said, "They will have an iPad for meeeeee???" I was like no baby! Not those kinds of games!! Then he said, "Well, then I can go fishing & roast marshmallows!?" Where does he come up with this stuff! :P He loved AWANA, but was sad that they didn't learn a Bible Verse last night so I taught him one on the way home! Funny kid! I am just glad he wants to LEARN! Makes a Mama proud!
Here's a video from last night!
He is currently all about me having another baby! :O He tells me he will share his toys with it & his blankies etc. etc. I told him I will have another baby one day, just gotta find a daddy first! Ha!
He is just so sweet right now & I LOVE this age! I'm trying to do a better job about writing down the crazy things he says!
We are ready for the weekend & taking care of all the last minute things for his THREE birthday parties the next weekend!--I know I'm CRAZY right! :P
Happy Thursday y'all! =)

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