Last week, we took the day & headed to LR to have some fun with the cousins, or as R calls them, Naynee's "friends"! Haha! He doesn't realize they are her KIDS, he just thinks they are her "friends" that are always with her! Haha!
We went to the Museum of was R's first time & my first in a long, LONG time! It had a lot of neat stuff, but it still might be a few years before R can really REALLY enjoy it...but he had a blast on the things he could enjoy! ;) We're so thankful Naynee had passes for us to use! ;)
{On a bed of nails! So fun!}
{He was actually really good at this! It was fun to move the objects around & create your own maze}
{I didn't love all the reptile-y things but R sure did!}
{R got on top of the cow & started singing "Ole McDonald" to everybody...TOO funny!
Afterwards we grabbed some lunch down at the River Market, hit up the mall for a few things & then came home! R was out like a light before we even got to the interstate! Thanks again Naynee & friends for letting us go with y'all! =)

where is this Children's Museum at?!??!