{July 29}
Sweet boy riding his new bike out at Mimi's
He feel asleep on top of me on the couch...we were probably watching the Olympics. Isn't his hand on his face funny?
{July 31}
We went to lunch with KeeKee & Popppy at Market Place for my birthday! He was a sweet boy all day & I LOVED it! =)
{August 1}
Late night bike rides on the driveway...
{August 2}
We went to the Children's Museum in LR with Naynee & her "friends" as R calls them! :P It was a lot of fun...but we'll definitely have to go back as R gets older! He had a blast! & carrying the trashcan back up the driveway for KeeKee & Poppy...
{August 3}
Punkin' had to get a much needed haircut for Allie & Josh's WEDDING this week!! ECCCKK!!
{August 4}
Punkin' help me mix up some homemade dishwashing detergent! {More to come later if your interested! ;)}

He is getting so big!