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Monday, August 6, 2012

Project 365...Week 31

{July 29}
Sweet boy riding his new bike out at Mimi's 

{July 30}
He feel asleep on top of me on the couch...we were probably watching the Olympics.  Isn't his hand on his face funny?

{July 31}
 We went to lunch with KeeKee & Popppy at Market Place for my birthday!  He was a sweet boy all day & I LOVED it!  =)

{August 1}
Late night bike rides on the driveway...

{August 2}
We went to the Children's Museum in LR with Naynee & her "friends" as R calls them!  :P  It was a lot of fun...but we'll definitely have to go back as R gets older!  He had a blast!  & carrying the trashcan back up the driveway for KeeKee & Poppy...

{August 3}
 Punkin' had to get a much needed haircut for Allie & Josh's WEDDING this week!!  ECCCKK!!

{August 4}
 Punkin' help me mix up some homemade dishwashing detergent! {More to come later if your interested!  ;)}

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