I don't have a lot this month...but did want to touch on some new & old things & products that I love & continue to love! I would love to hear from my readers on things that y'all are loving right now! Feel free to do a similar post & leave your blog in the comments below! I'd love to try some new things if you have an suggestions for everyday life! =)
I have been using these in class to take notes, for well over a year now & will NOT take notes in anything else! I am not one to usually like "cheap" pens, but I hate to waste good pens for taking notes for CLASS--& you can get this entire package for $1! Not even kidding! What I like most about these pens is how dark and fat they write...no other cheap pen really compares for me! My last two from my first package ran out during summer school & I was SO sad!--I finally got some more at Target earlier this week for the upcoming school year!
I bought this a while back--& I chose Rimmel because of the flat brush & the price. I have been MORE than satisfied with the product...and a top coat definitely makes a difference on how long your polish stays on! It's like a gell-y coat on top that kinda dries like shellac which I love.
My mom bought these a while back when she was making her own laundry detergent & while we were at the beach, she used it wash to wash some of our clothes & OMG--it made our clothes smell SOOO good, I knew I had to get some when I got home!! So I got some & I have been sniffin' our clothes & sheets every since! It makes laundry just a liiiiiittle bit more enjoyable! ;)
I have used Secret DO for as long as I can remember, & one day when I needed new DO, I saw some Dove on sale--like 3 for the price of one, so I was like why not?--Well...after a week or so, I just knew it wasn't doing the job...but I had three whole things left to use! So I stuck it out as long as I could...because I didn't want to be wasteful! But I'm happy to announce I am back to my good'ole Secret! =) I used to use Pear, but didn't see it any more, but I love this cucumber just as much! It stays on all day & I can even smell it throughout the day, which means...IT'S WORKING! ;) If you're looking for a new DO, this one just might be for you! ;) Moral of the story--stick with what you know & don't try & fix something that isn't broken!

Kati! Idk how much you buy your downy unstoppables for but first, I was buying them at target for like $6 but I discovered that Sam's carries them & it's like $10 for 2. :) Thought I'd share that with you.
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