My mom has recently made her own laundry detergent & it was definitely a success...& I was about to run out of dishwashing detergent, so I thought, "Why not try & make my own?" Of course I got this recipe off of Pinterest, originally from here.
I got all the items at Wal Mart for less than 4 dollars each. NOT too bad if you ask me. The Borax, Super Washing Soda & Lemi Shine are all on your regular dishwashing detergent aisle. I found the Kosher salt in the spice aisle.
2 cups of Borax
2 cups of Washing Soda
2 cups of Lemi Shine
(I realized this after making it home...I should have bought two bottles to have enough for 2 cups, so brab two! & the powder kind, not liquid!)
1 cups of Kosher salt
It only takes 1 TBS. per load, but I used two my first time & it was more than enough.
I would definitely say my dishes came out super clean & the glass was even sparkling a bit! I have TONS of supplies left (besides the Lemi Shine), but I am very happy with how it all turned out!

Thanks SO much for sharing Kati!!! I'll definitely be trying this!!