I miss blogging so much. I feel like I am leaving so much out of my little man's life.
I have also lost my camera, but that is not to blame for my lack of posts. It's this thing called SUMMER SCHOOL--that completely BLOWS! & if I remember correctly was NOT this hard last summer!
I literally go to school, come home, eat lunch nap with Punkin, clean up the house, eat dinner & go to bed...oh yeah & NOT do the homework I'm supposed to do. Yes, it SUCKS. So weekends have become my best friend.
I haven't had my normal "Sunday-pool-day" the last two weekends because of Father's Day & then this weekend Punkin didn't go to his daddy's today. My tan is definitely showing from this!
I have been sad with my lack of attention & posts towards the Casey Anthony post, but I'm barely keeping up with it myself! I heard their was an abrupt recess yesterday that was NOT expected & Judge Perry said it was a legal issue. HMMM...??
I doesn't seem like I have one second to watch TV these days, and if I do it's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! =)
Ryder has seriously learned the words, "no" "nope" & "nah-huh" & how to use them correctly! We are working on not saying them to adults! Ha! This has been by far one of the hardest things to nip in the bud!
We had a great Father's Day. I didn't get one picture with my dad though.
Naynee has been staying with my parents since she got out of the hospital from surgery earlier this week & it has been fun to have company! Today was her birthday & all her kiddos came over to see her!
I love Pinterst more & more every day & can't get enough of it. Thank goodness I have it on my phone, because I seriously don't even have time to open my computer any more.
I "think" about blogging about SOO much...but you see how often that happens right!?
I am just ready to be a teacher...who needs this whole "school" thing anyways?
We have snuck away to the pool a few times...Abby came to see us on Saturday & we went out there for a little bit! Ryder has gotten to be so comfortable out there & it makes me so happy! I am hoping I can find a cute guy out there...but they all seem to be married with children. #fail
Ryder embarrasses me sometimes out there by the way he likes to make "friends". He thinks he knows everybody & wants all their toys & that requires me to befriend the child's mom & make small talk. Sometimes this is fun, but not always.
Ryder has been doing great at gymnastics. We have been 3 or 4 times now & he loves it EVERY week! I can't even remind him that day that we're going until we're walking about the door, or that's ALL he talks about & cries because it's not time to go yet! Ha!
I am seriously just ready to be done with class...& I will be in the next TWO weeks & then I will be FREE for a little bit before Fall classes start back up.
There is SO much I need to do in July. Get my hair cut. Go see my PCP about my heartburn. Get my teeth cleaned (I've put it off for like 2 years..I don't know why). Go see my GYN. Etc. Etc. This list goes on & on & that doesn't even involve all the crafts I want to do!
I do get to go to the beach in July though. I am more excited about taking my little man for the first time though! =)
Enough rambling for tonight..but I'm afraid that's all your gonna get from me for a while!
amazing post!