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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cozy Coupe & TEETH!

KeeKee & Pops got Punkin' a cozy coupe for his birthday!  I didn't get one till I was TWO from my grandparents, but I guess he's EXTRA special! 
KeeKee had to come put it together for us...cause you know GOOD & WELL I wasn't going to be able to!  :P

He loves it!  He climbs in & out of it all.day.long!  He even tries to just climb out the back or the side without the door!  If he falls out...he doesn't even care!  We left the floor board in it until he is old enough to actually roll it around himself...but until then, he loves us pushing him around the house in it!

Another thing Punkin like to do...CHEW ON HIS CRIB!!!  I walked in their one day after his nap & his face was covered in blackish specks.  I was like "what the heck!?"  Come to find out...it was from chewing on his crib!  I was so upset, but what's there to do?  I let him know that that was a no-no & swatted his hand.  I guess that didn't work...because it has gotten worse AND he did it on the front rail as well as the side.   :/

It's only a piece of furniture right...but STILL.  

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