What a beautiful Easter we had together as a family, celebrating our risen Lord! Saturday night we dyed eggs using Kool Aid! SO easy & simple...you should try it! ;) Then I insisted R go to bed so the Easter Bunny could come, and luckily he did! ;)
Punkin' got a Woody & Buzz beach bowl, a new book, some sidewalk chalk, Angry Bird toy & t-shirt, and a Crayola crayon dry-erase board for church because they weren't having childcare on Easter.
Our church usually has three services on Sunday mornings, but for the first time in a long time, we rented out the high school gym to celebrate as ONE church, something we haven't been able to do for many many years. We not only celebrated the resurrection of Christ Jesus, but also the fact that the church had recently made it's FINAL payment on it's loan for our current building. WHAT.A.BLESSING!! We literally had a note burning right after the service & it was so neat to see many long time members around me wiping tears from their eyes as this was taking place. We've been in this building since 1997, and boy has HE been faithful! It's so neat to see where He is leading our church and I can't wait to see what the future holds!
{We got there 30 minutes early and had some time to chill...}
{...and this is as good as it got! :P}
{mom & dad}
{Poor G couldn't keep his eyes open, but I thought it was too funny with R climbing the tree in the back ground! :P}
Then it was time to head to Nana & Papaw's! We had Nana's homemade rolls, ham, rosemary chicken, poppy seed fruit salad, sweet potato casserole and green beans. It was ALL so delish! Had had too many desserts--carrot cake, yellow cake with chocolate frosting, Pioneer Woman's apple dumplins with homemade ice cream! Man oh man!
{Our own personal Easter Bunny giving directions}
Ryder LOVED the Easter egg hunt and did great even against the big kids! We had to dump his bucket out to keep filling! He got lots of candy, money and some fun tattoos! :P
We are truly best, and I love celebrating and spending special days with the special people in our lives!

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