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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Change & MLK day

  • I started a Beth Moore bible study tonight on James & couldn't be more excited about the next 7 weeks & what God has in store for me & all the other woman in the study!
  • Mom & I have started to sit down on Sundays & "meal plan" for the week, where she cooks 2 nights & I cook two night kinda depending on what's going on.  But with dad having bible study Monday nights, me on Tuesday nights, & her on Wednesday nights, it kinda makes things a lil difficult but we're making it work!  This way we're not all eating out so much, & even if we don't get to eat together, we still have something prepared for us to eat!  It's also nice that she gets a few nights off from cooking, & same for me, yet we're all eating at home!
  • Ryder's new babysitter Lauren starts tomorrow!  I am so excited about her keeping him, & am so thankful for her more than anything!  I know he is going to have the best time!
  • This is the first semester I have classes all 5 days of the week (I know...poor me right?)  I was usually only in T/TR or only in MWF classes, or T/TR & MW classes with Fridays off & it was so nice!  Fridays were me & Ryder's day to run errands, go eat at chick & just have fun...that wasn't a "weekend day".  But we don't have that any more!  So I'm about to get a taste of what it's like in the real world!  But...it will be good for me!  ;)
  • I love ice water.  I really do.  I would get a diet coke with vanilla at sonic just because it's what me & R did every day...but I've tried to drop that habit, because it doesn't even taste good to me any more. I don't LOVE the way Sonic water tastes, but I get a large ice water every morning on the way to school because I'm always parched, & I always leave my tervis tumblers at school...(GRRR.  $25 down.the.drain.)  So...I'm trying to do better & drinks lots & LOTS of water!  =)
  • I am trying to limit & watch the amount of time I am reading blogs on my phone, especially when Ryder is around.  I am trying to give him my full attention rather than being glued to my phone when he is around, because our time is limited together this semester, & he LOVES his Mama!  ;)  If I am doing something else when Ryder is with me, I want it to be actively involved in playing with him (even though he's a GREAT independent player) doing laundry, cleaning house, or even reading for class, but not on my phone.  I don't want him to grow up only remembering me for always being on my phone.  
We had a fun day off from the normal routine of things yesterday.  KeeKee & Pops were off work, so we all met for lunch at me & mom's favorite lil lunch shop downtown.  Pops had never been (for a while it was kind of a "woman's only" place...but has grown to more men coming over the last year) & we wanted him to try it, & finally talked him into it!  ;)  We had fun, & Ryder was a ham, as always!  Afterwards Pop Pops took him to a town over to get his deer meat, & Ryder was just overjoyed he was getting to go with his Pop Pops, & didn't have to go home with his Mama!

Pop Pops also took lil man to the park, & to 3 flamingos for some Fro Yo!  I told dad he was spooling my lil man & he said that that's his job & he enjoys his "job" so I shouldn't complain!  ;)  & I guess he is right!  I am just so glad Ryder has such a good time with his Pop Pops! 

Me & R did a lil coloring when he got back!  I love my lil man so much!  He is just growing up so much right under my eyes!  

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