{March 4}
Punkin' fishin' with his Daddy out at Mimi & PawPaw's
Climbin' on the gate to see his horses! I love my lil country boy!
{March 6}
I am usually not one to fall for "trends" but I can say I fell for this one & LOVE it! If you haven't tried out "Draw Something"...download it...NOW! Too much fun!
{March 7}
I think we were about to go outside & play & he asked me to take a picture of him...fake grin! Ha!
{March 8}
I took Punkin' to the Library for the first time & I was seriously kicking myself for not taking him sooner! He LOOOOVED it! He played quietly while I roamed the aisles picking out books for us to read this week before bed! I think we are going to make it a weekly thing! He even got his very own Library card!!
{March 9}
Mommy had a little nigh tout on the town! Abby was home for Spring Break & it was also the day before her birthday...so we celebrated! So good to see some of my PS!
{March 10}
Ryder went to his first kid birthday party with his Dad at the movie theatre! He seemed to have had a lot of fun! Poppy had been in Park City, Utah snow skiing at the end of the week, and on Friday it was a bit hot out and he hit a patch of slush that sent him flying...AND...his skis didn't come off, which resulted in this. He was "that guy" on a stretcher being carried down the mountain on a snow mobile. We will have more answers tomorrow after his appointment with the orthopedic surgeon.

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