{February 26}
Ryder spent the day with his Daddy & also got to meet sweet lil Caleb. I'm not sure he knew what to think about him! We got to snuggle on the couch after he got home & before bed!
{February 27}
It was a beautiful day out, so I let Punkin' play outside while I did my Bible study. He wanted me to take his picture, so we had a little photo shoot! :P ;)
{February 28}
Lil man hurt his knuckles on the driveway at KeeKee & Pop's so we got to use his Toy Story band aids for the first time that he got at Christmas! We were reading in bed, & then he was passed out!
{February 29}
Nothing better than a sweet 2 year old asking you to snuggle him on the couch.
{March 1}
While getting his band aids out of the hall closet, he found a few Christmas gifts I had hidden. He insisted we get this out! & he knew JUST what to do with it! I'm so proud of him! =)
{March 2}
They got to be artists at school...& this was his masterpeice! I can't wait to frame it!
{March 3}
I found something new to entertain my crazy child! This kept him busy for about an hour! ;)

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