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Sunday, March 8, 2015

the best yes & for the right reasons [book review]

EDIT:  I've hesitated to write this post for a while now, because I felt like my words wouldn't be able to do the book justice...and they don't.  But I still want to share it with you.  So please take them as that.  My words.  My best words. (no pun intended ;))  But the book is so much more!

I wanted to check in with my 2015 book list.  I've finished reading two books since then, and one that wasn't originally on my reading list.

The first read I accomplished was The Best Yes.  I'm not one to say "yes" too often, because I don't feel bad about saying "no" but this book still taught me so many wonderful things!

As a woman, a mom, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a teacher...(the list could go on)...we have so many different demands in our life!  There are choices we are required to make to only choose to do the things that are beneficial to those in need in our lives; our children, our families, ourselves and our Lord.  That doesn't mean we have to say "yes" to every single one of the opportunities that comes to our attention.  

Learning to say "no" can make the things you say "yes" to, so much more enjoyable!

Lysa walks you through different situations, step-by-step, teaching you how and when to say no, but also when to say "yes" and making that YES, your "Best Yes".  It's a great read for women of all ages! 

Some of my favorite quotes from the book include:

We must not confuse the command to love with the disease to please.

But I dread what saying yes will do to the already-running-on-empty me.

When all of life feels like an urgent rush from one demands to another...we become forgetful.  Forgetful of God. 

A woman who lives with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule will often ache with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul.

And that's just getting into Chapter 3.  If any of these quotes reach out to you and grab you, and you can totally relate to them, then this books is for YOU!  You can order it HERE.

I didn't even know Sean Lowe was writing a book until I saw it on IG a week before it came out.  I quickly pre-ordered it and couldn't wait for it to arrive on my door step!

Most people just see him as one of those crazy people who went on a TV show to find love, but there is SO much more to him than that.  He actually gives me hope for men in this world.  All we see of his life now is the "fabulous-ness"...but it hasn't always been that way, and he tells you that in this book.  He gets REAL.  Some of it might make you wonder how someone made it through all that...but he did, and he is here to tell you about!

Yes, he did find love via a television show, but this guy is a class act, and I'm so glad he is sharing "his story" with the world.  For the most part, this is a "fluff" read...I read it in a weekend, but that should tell you how good it was!  

This is a great vacation or weekend getaway book!

Order yourself a copy HERE!
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