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Saturday, September 28, 2013

ryder's family party! {4 years old}

We had R's family party at at Mimi & PawPaw's again this year...because he loved having it there so much last year and always talked about it!  We didn't really have a "theme" but we did have a Mexican food theme! ;)

It's so fun to get together with both sides of the family and for all of us to come together to celebrate this special little guy!  How is he really FOUR?!

We had a great turn out and R got lots of fun new toys to fit what he's into these days which includes: transformers, Ninja Turtles (especially dress up), Octonauts, and all kinds of games!  He loaded up!

His sweet cousin Caleb!

Everybody had lots of fun playing in the playroom!  Mimi has all the best toys!

R was mad at somebody during the pictures...which is why there isn't a great one!  :/
Aunt Amanda & Hannah!
With his Great Granny Jones and his Bonus Great Grand Mimi!  He's a blessed little kid for SURE!
That kid played with his new Octanaut Pod for a week straight after getting it!  He's still pretty crazy about it!  :P


Saturday, September 14, 2013

we heart weekends!

Fridays are always a fun treat because if R has been on green all week at school we make a stop by Maggie's on our way home!  =)

After a long week for us both...all we wanna do when we get home it lay on the couch & snuggle without a care in the world!  I think he enjoys it as much as I do!
 Saturdays out on the town with Poppy...to get a hair cut and eat CFA for breakfast! =)
 & do a little shoe shopping...

 & then home for a little afternoon nap...these are memories I never want to forget.
 We love lunch dates to Taziki's after church too!  =) & R loves his Poppy!

& we love running into Snuggle Bug friends at the park!  =)


Saturday, September 7, 2013

keekee's school

We went to visit KeeKee at her school one day before school started and R just had to go play on the playground at the elementary next door!  It was a pretty day out and wasn't too hot so we stopped by for a little bit!  He loved it!  

He also wanted to run around the track...so I said GO FOR IT!  & he did!  I was so proud!  =)  YOu can see him running around if you look close!

He wrote his name on KeeKee's board!  He loves his E!  ;)


Thursday, September 5, 2013

super hero night

We love our CFA so much and try not to miss an event they have going on!  Last week it was Super Hero night and you bet we were there--any excuse not to have to "make" dinner right!  :P  R was so excited from the day he found out till the minute we walked in the door!  He was even telling all his friends at school about it!  

I could barely get him to eat anything with everything going on around him!  :P

There were all sorts of fun games...and every superhero you could possibly think of, dressed up in costume!

They even had a few characters "fly in" and land on CFA's roof!  How about that!  :P
R was so happy to see Andrew from school there!