We didn't have any major plans for Spring Break and were so excited when Pooh invited us to stay with her for a few days at her Lake House!--How can we say no to that?! We love her, and we love the Lake House!
Shopping with these two...at 9 PM is a complete disaster. R and I enjoyed morning walks around the neighborhood (with coffee in hand of course!) almost every morning we were there!
My favorite thing to do was sit out on the deck, over looking the lake and doing my Quiet Time. Since it was during LENT I had so much goodness to soak in while participating in She Reads Truth's "Near the Cross" study...(still want to do a full recap on that soon).
Lunch with my love!
Pooh introduced someone to bomb pops!!
We decided to do something fishing...which basically turned into hanging out on the lake out in our lawn chairs and soaking up with sun.
This is his, "I'm in time out for doing something cray like trying to get in the lake in my muck boots, and I'm not happy about it" face.
One of my requirement for the week was to go to SCOOPS. Success!!Another morning walk...this time R asked me, "Why don't you ever run mom? Is that something only men do?" Yeah...that's why! ;)
He is definitely spoiled by Pooh. McDonald's pancakes delivery!
I think he enjoyed my hammock more than I did that week! Great spot for playing his iPad! ;)
More fitchin'! That turned into this...
We were so thankful for our time away from this crazy busy every day world called "life" to enjoy each other and everything God has blessed us with! Thank you Pooh for your friendship!