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Sunday, December 28, 2014

ELF, strep and Bethlehem

Mom and I went to one of the first showing of ELF at The Rep and I'm so glad we got to go!  We went on a Sunday afternoon and really enjoyed ourselves.  I'm not a HUGE fan of the movie, but I really enjoyed the show!  I'm not sure how R would have handled it though!
While we were doing that, Ryder was off at his Great Grandma Jones' making sugar cookies!  I'm glad he gets to do this with other people and I don't have to be the one that does it with him.  [Yes, I just admitted that.]
Ryder spent Sunday night at Mimi's and I had a bad feeling he was getting sick.  And I was right.  I could tell by looking at his checks in this picture she sent me while I was at school.  
I'm so glad I went straight to the Dr. after picking him up from Mimi's because he had a 103 degree temp when we got there.  We had a sweet guy nurse we have had before.  I really was afraid it was the flu because two girls at his school had just been diagnosed with it (and they had both gotten their flu shots).  They did a flu and strep test.  This was the first time R just let them swab him, without 4 nurses and me having to hold him down to get it done.  PHEW.  Such a relief.  Signs he truly is growing up.  

Luckily it was Strep and not the flu!!!  We loaded up and headed off to the pharmacy to get some meds from Mr. Chuck!  
As much as I hate to miss school, I was looking forward to spending the next day at home with this little guy!
Mom made some ham and beans and dad brought it to my back door.  So thankful for them!  I read up on some Social Studies books I had ordered for my classroom off of Amazon and let Ryder do whatever he felt up to doing. 
He missed school on Tuesday, but Wednesday we were back at school and went to Bethlehem at church that night.  R has been 2-3 times before, but we missed it last year because of the rain, so he was super exciting to get to go back this year.  
We visited all the shops R wanted to visit, and then made our way to the Inn 

So thankful for these precious memories with my little guy during this wonderful season (even if it involves a lil strep throat!)
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