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Friday, October 1, 2010

1 Year Checkup

I cannot believe that it is the FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER!  Where did the summer go?  Where did the first few months of school go?  Next it will be November, and then December!  Time flies so fast!

We had Punkin's 1 year check up today & FOUR shots.  That's the MOST he's ever had at once...& one was the flu shot.  I was glad they asked me if I wanted him to have it...reminds me I need to go get one soon.  I never had one until I went to college, and I've tried to get one every year since.
Weight:  22 lbs.  (Only gained 2 lbs. since June) 50%tile
Length:  31 inch. 75%tile
BIGGO head...don't remember how big!  :P
He was so good in our room waiting!  He pulled out all the books in the basket...he LOVES books!  He'll flip through every page!  It's adorable!  Then he pushed the Dr. chair around, & around...& AROUND!   (I know it's gross he's barefoot in there, but I didn't want him to slip & fall in his socks, & I knew as soon as I put the socks & shoes on, the Dr. would come in, & I'd have to take them all off again to put his pants back on .  PHEW)

Everything looked great, & apparently he loved the tasty stick!  :P  My poor baby was NOT happy with the nurses when they stuck him, & then stuck him AGAIN.  I've never seen his face SO red, & I actually got tears from listening to him scream for the first time at the Dr.  :/
Uncle G came to visit this afternoon before he headed to NLR for the big Wampus Cat game!  They are actually good this year...its.about.dang.time!!  Ryder was in his Wampus Cat blue too, so I had to get a pic!  :P

Stay tune the next couple of days...you're in for a BIG surprise!  :P

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