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Thursday, February 11, 2010

....Random Thursday

It has been a pretty rough day around here. Someone's gums are nice and bumpy & has been a HANDFUL all day long, not wanting to sleep, lay down on my chest...or ANYTHING else. We had one solid nap today & that wasn't till 2 o'clock. I went and got him some teething tablets that you put under their tongue and they automatically dissolve. We'll try them in the morning! He was asleep by the time I got back with them from the store!

I'm a bit sad and disappointed in myself that I didn't breast feed longer than I did. The last time I did it, I didn't know it was going to be the last time. I wish I would have soaked it all in and enjoyed it. That was always a special time for me and Ryder, cause it was OUR time, and no one else could take that from us. Even though I DO miss it, I DON'T miss nursing bras or nursing pads and am glad to be back in my old bras!

Tomorrow will be my first day back to school in OVER a week! I'm ready...but dang! Ha! I'm supposed to have THREE (yes, one in each class I'm taking!) tests next week, but we'll see if I'm still going to. Sure would be nice if they could spread them out a little bit!

I have a problem with seeing things "On Sale" and am like "Ahhhh!" I look at the sale price and am like "Oh--Sweet!" Then I think to myself that I HAVE to get it, cause its "ON SALE!" Not really looking at the original price...which is sometimes only 2 dollars higher. I get so caught up in it being "on sale!" I don't really realize that it's NOT that big a sale! I have to SPEND money to SAVE money! My mom used to always say..."Well I made us save $30.00" & he says "Well, how much did you have to spend to save 30?" I'm going to try and start to do better. Target is my weakness on this subject!

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