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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Toad Suck Daze 2015

For the most part...we love Toad Suck Daze!  I do try and go when the crowds are the smallest, but we are there non the less!  We didn't make it last year because of the rain...but you better believe R didn't let me forget about it this year! :P
You have to get your Toad Suck shirt before the festival, so that you can wear it to school/work the Friday of! ;)  That's just how it works... 
I love this flash back from two years ago...of him catching a toad at Mimi's! 
You can't go downtown for a festival, and not stop by Blue Sail for some coffee! =) DUH!

I gave R a certain amount of $/Toad Bucks...and he did what he wanted to do with them.

Three years ago in front of the Toad Store!
That night we went to a social with my Sunday School class...R always has fun with Mickey!  
Another throwback...three years ago with his Toad hat on from MDO!  Love that wild child!

R is already asking "When will Toad Suck be back??"  Ahhh!!  After Christmas Ryder!!! ;)
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