I'll be honest. I was ready to get back to work and in routine, but boy was I glad for the weekend to be here!
Last Sunday night, I was up every hour...paranoid that I wouldn't wake up to my alarm Monday morning...like I did Saturday morning when dad was supposed to come pick us up at 8 o'clock to go somewhere, and I woke up to the sound of him banging on my bedroom window. OMG is right.
Monday and Tuesday I was up and at'um when the alarm went off. The rest of the week...not so much! All that enthusiasm, GONE. It doesn't help that it's FREEZING outside. I just want to stay in yoga pants, a Patagonia and my Uggs all day!
Ryder gets bored at home sometimes...and I think he was tired of me, and his behaving was showing that. So it was time for him to go back to school too. But sure enough, but the end of the school day Tuesday I was antsy to get my baby back. As much as I was ready for a "break"--I missed being with him too!
Monday night when I finally got him down to bed, I missed him. We went and ate dinner with my parents and he was a WILD CHILD. I was counting down the minutes until bed time. Then bed time comes and I lay down with him...and he won't close his mouth (it's a real problem y'all). He asks me, "How do you just fall asleep mom?" "Ryder, please try to quit thinking about things and just close your eyes and GO TO SLEEP."
Not five minutes later...silence.
And then...I miss him and wish he was awake! Why is that?! I guess we always want what we can't have, no matter the situation.
Anyways...this is major brain dump.
I'm excited to started Kelly Minter's "What is Love" studying 1, 2 and 3rd John! I've never done any other studies at church other than Beth Moore (which I've LOVED) but I am excited to try a new author!
Recently...well the past 6 days, when R hears me tell someone that he starts Kinder "next year" he corrects me and says "No, mom...THIS YEAR" How is that so. I've known he would start school in "2015" since he was born...but how is it already here?
We called my dad's dad, Papa John. The other night we had pizza and I over heard Ryder calling the Parmasean cheese "Papa John cheese"--it sounds right!
Happy Sunday Y'all! I'm eating some of my mom's Wild Rice soup, watching the Packers and the Cowboys play, grading some papers and trying to stay warm! ENJOY today before we get back to the hustle and the bustle tomorrow!
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