I recently had the opportunity to read the book Navigate by Scott Attebery. Scott is the Executive Director of DiscipleGuide Church Resources. He has served as campus minster on a college campus, as well as pastored his own church. His book goes into great detail of how we are supposed to go about understanding and pursing God's will in our lives.
When I saw what his book was about, I'll be honest and admit I was a bit scared tpo read it...because talking about God's will for your life is a BIG deal and at times can seem a bit overwhelming (at least for me!). I am so guilty to just run from things when I "don't like them" or are "scared of" or "don't want to talk or think about". But there are times we just have to tighten our boot straps and jump on in, and that's exactly what I did--and I am so glad that I did!
"What is God's will for my life?" "How am I supposed to know what God's will for me is?" These are questions I would assume most Christian's have asked themselves at one time or another. This book provided me with a great outlook on how we are supposed to answer, and conquer these questions!
I am a regular reader of Scott's blog which you can find HERE. He has a way with words that allow him to teach and share the Word in such a unique way. The way he shares stories and experiences and how they relate to scripture are so touching, and real to me. When he asked to share a copy of his book with me, I knew this piece would be no different, and I was exactly right.
As I read through the book there were SO many different things that I underlined and highlighted, but I wanted to share just a few of them with you in hopes that it will give you the desire to order a copy for yourself!
I won't say it was quick read because it can be deep and I wanted to let it all sink in...and not read through it too fast, causing me to miss the message. But, once you get going...it's easy to just want to keep flipping the pages to learn more and more about His will and how we are supposed to find that will of God for our own lives!
God doesn't allow us to see or know everything...but we are told to obey His word. "As long as we obey His written Word (our manual), we can trust Him to work all things for the good of those who love him."
I am super guilty of worrying about things in life, when I know in my heart that He is taking care of it all. It may not be in my time or my way...but He is taking care of it, and I have absolutely no reason to be worrying about it!
What God has done is "instructed us to obey His manual, the Bible. That's our assignment in pursuing His will." Ouch. Such a valuable resource that we have been blessed with, but are we using it?

"Knowing the will of God is rooted in obeying His written Word" There we go again. Why are we looking else where? He has provided us with such a great tool. We are supposed to be smart and use it as He intended!
Is there going to be an exact answer to every situation and problem we face today found in His Word? No. "But there are always principals in Scripture that apply to our every situation, and we must seek in wisdom to identify these."
In Sunday School a few weeks ago, we talked about how His word is timeless. It was affective to people then, and it is affective to us now. Is our life today the same as it was for people living back then? Absolutely not. But can we get the same lessons out of His Word that they did? Yes we can! His Word is a timeless treasure.
After finishing Navigate, I was reading Lysa Terkeurst's The Best Yes, and ran across a statement and immediately thought back to Scott's book! It goes exactly along with everything he said in his book, and I just had to share it with you in this post. "When we slip at living out the Word of God, we slip at living in the will of God."
So where can we find His will for our lives? In His Word.
I'll have to stop there, and you'll have to get yourself a copy to get more in-depth! But, I'll leave you with one last quote, and it's a good one!
You can purchase Navigate HERE and it can also be bought electronically for your Kindle, through iTunes as well as for your Nook.
Be sure to follow Scott's blog to hear more from him on a regular basis!
Book provided by Scott Attebery, but all opinions are my own.
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