I think R gets out and does more than his Mama does! But that's perfectly okay...I'm so glad he gets to experience the things that he gets to experience...especially at such a young age!
Riding his four wheeler in the mud! Ha!Ryder and his sweet Mimi! =)
He was building a little pond/lake for his boat to go in! I eventually made him take his clothes off so he wouldn't get everything he owned muddy! :P
It was so pretty out one day last week, we went out on the front porch and had dinner! Then Poppy came to get R and take him to the UCA/UALR Baseball game at Dickie Stevens Park!! They had a blast! R loved the cotton candy and peanuts! :P
Then...on Friday night, they went to a home UCA game! I sure hope my lil guy loves this sport as much as the rest of his family does! =)
A little outdoor driveway fun with my lil guy on Saturday night! Things are NEVER boring around here! =)
this is great!