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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Snuggle Bug Easter Party!

On Good Friday--Ryder had his Easter party at Snuggle Bug!  It was quite rainy and wet, so they just hid all the eggs in the front yard instead of in the back...but it was still a blast!  Mr. Jerry cooked his yummy BBQ and baked beans and everybody else brought the fixens!  It's always so fun to see R with all of his friends, and have their parents all around as well!  Mimi & Aunt Rhonda joined us and R had lots of fun, as always!

He wasn't all too interested in getting more eggs...just eating the candy out of the ones he already had!  Ha!
 R loves his Mimi!  =)
He said this Easter Bunny was different because "it was a person inside.  And...at the mall, it's not a person."  He cracks me up!  
I love this picture--it's a genuine, true, non-forced smile!
 Eating dinner with his friends!

After the party, we came home to dye Easter eggs.  He told me "Dye, just liked Jesus died on the cross"....try explaining the different meanings of one word (especially that word) to a three year old.  Sheeesh!
R loved it of course!  Even though our eggs didn't turn out that great...it was still fun!

We are so blessed by Snuggle Bug and all the wonderful kids and families and so thankful that we get to be apart of such a wonderful place!


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