Saturday, July 26, 2014

sixties--in july?

Today about the time I was sitting outside on the Chick patio talking with Allie....I wish wishing it was 66 degrees outside again like it was a week or so ago.  Arkansas weather is always crazy...especially in the winter, but I'll take advantage of it's craziness during the summer time too!  I think it just gets confused here and there--but it's a nice treat for us!

Ryder and I took advantage of the amazing weather with a walk/ride on the bike trail (by our new Chick I might add! ;)) was good to break a sweat without it being KILLER hot out!
We even saw a beaver swimming through the creek!  Can you spot him?? 

Of course we had to walk over to Chick before getting in the car for some water and mints! ;)

It's days like these that I don't want to forget with my little man.  He won't always be little and willing to hang out with his mom.  So...until then, it's impromptu trips to the bike trail...even if that does mean a muddy bike being in your backseat for a few days because your trunk is too full and you keep forgetting to empty it! ;)  Keepin' it real folks! 

Happy Saturday!

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1 comment:

  1. Our weather is supposed to cool down drastically this coming week. I'll be happy to get out and enjoy it.


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