Sunday, July 27, 2014

trip to freckle face farm

We made a couple trips out to Freckle Face Farm this past week!  I went to yoga with my aunt while R got to hang out with the boys...and then we brought Karleigh home with us for a few days!

 Ready to roll!!
R loves to help gather eggs! 

Baby chicks!!! 
 Farm fresh....literally!

I even snuck a few snuggles in!  These are rare these days...especially with so many fun cousins running around! 
Sadly the pigs won't let me too close to them... 
Watching a movie very intently...three of them were.  R just doesn't do movies, but he sure does try!!  (Kinda like his Mama!)

Thankful for these cousins!

Here is a FLASHBACK to the FFF two years ago!  
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