Monday, July 21, 2014

mama's birthday wish list

If someone had an upcoming birthday, these are a few of the things she may or may not be wanting!  This is just a fun list of things I have been eyeing lately...and just won't buy for myself! ;)

[one] Against All Grain by Danielle Walker-I am no way PALEO or GLUTEN FREE, but I have found that my body responds really well when I watch the amount of gluten I feed it (I was recently tested for gluten intolerance to find out for sure and the test said I was not intolerant, but I some what disagree! ;))...and staying away from food found in the middle of the grocery store.  I've been eyeing this book since it came out, and Danielle is about to come out with a new one.  She shares her story of having an autoimmune disorder/disease and how eliminating gluten from her diet has completely healed her--as in she used to take hand-fulls  of pills a day, and have regular hospital stays every 6 months of so...and dealing with neither one since turning against grains!-which lead her to creating this cookbook!  The recipes in here look delicious and I am anxious to try them out!  

[two] Single Pearl Necklace-I saw this beaut on Pinterest...and usually when you see it there it's already sold out in the store, but this is actually still online and decently priced! {SCORE!}  I wear gold jewelry 100% of the time so this simple, dainty pearl necklace caught my eye as a good "everyday, classic piece" to add to my collection! 

[three] Capri Blue-Volcano candle in mercury glass-this is an oldie, and it seems like everybody and their Mama already has one!  ;)  I am usually one to steer away from "what everybody else has" but not this guy! =)  I've always loved the smell of this candle, just haven't ever had the guts to buy it for myself!  And....I really want to plant a succulent in that jar after I've used up the candle! 

[four] ACQUA di GIOIA perfume-this is not usually something I want or ask for...but I used it while I was visiting Abby and fell in love with it!!  AHH!!  I don't wear perfume everyday, but I definitely would with this yummy goodness!  Smell it next time your walking through the department store! {GOOD PICK, ABBY! =)}

What else am I missing on my birthday list?! 

Sadly, my birthday getting closer also means summer is drawing to an end, but don't let that get you down on the glorious Monday morning! =)
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