Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

Last week, when it started to sleet and snow outside...I decided to take my son out for ice cream.  Sounds about right!  :P
Poppy took Ryder out for an adventurous day on Friday while I was out doing some shopping with Allie!  They went to a restaurant where a train delivers your food to you at your table!  This is R saying, "This is cooooool Poppy!"

Then they went to a fun little play place that has a grocery store, theatre, vet clinic, water table, sand table, inside play gym, etc. etc. and R just had a blast.  I've taken him before but it was seriously a LONG time ago!  He was just shy of two years old can see that post here.
& no Poppy trip would be complete without a trip to MooMoo's for some FroYo!  =)
I came home to my little man, and we enjoyed a nice, chill, relaxing Friday night at home together.  I worked on addressing some invitations for an upcoming shower and R played and watched a movie!  
Saturday morning we got up and around because I thought I had a work day at school on our big heart that we're building....well.  No one else was there, but one other girl.  :/  I don't know what was the Saturday after SB, and maybe people just forgot?!  I'll find out tomorrow in class though!  It felt good to be up and dressed and ready at 9:30 on a Saturday morning we went and ran some errands!
Shoe store of course to get R some new Sperry's for Easter!  He loves this horse!  Funny and my brother used to get on the same horse every time we went to the shoe store when we were little!

Then we came home and R helped me stuff all of his old Easter eggs for his school party on Friday!  I loved that he was able to be involved!

Overall we had a great weekend--even though it was FRIGID out yesterday!  GEEZ LOUIS!  Back into the swing of things today though...always hard after a nice, long week off!



  1. Such a cutie and a great helper!! We were at Wilkinson's on Saturday also!! Hope you find R the perfect Easter shoes!!

  2. It's been frigid here too friend. I'm really hoping for warmer weather soon!

    Sounds like R & Poppy have a great time. My Poppy always did special things with me when I was little. We would read the crossword puzzle together every morning and every evening we would go to Ponderosa and eat & then we would play a game of mini golf. Those are memories you never forget :)


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