Monday, March 25, 2013

Writing his name...

Ryder has been learning to write his name at school for a while now.  I had no idea he could do it until he just busted it out one day!  He has just about perfected the "R" and is working on the rest!  I am so proud of him though...he tells you exactly what to do when writing a capital "R"--it's too cute! 

I got this marker board at a toy store when it was going out of business, for things just like this!  I found the markers and mini magnetic erasers at the dollar spot at Target!  It makes practicing his name just a little bit more fun! ;)

I was curious to see if he could write "Mom" and he did a pretty darn good job I would say!  :P 
I am so proud of my little guy and all that he is learning and accomplishing!  You can NEVER under estimate a child!--You just have to take the time to teach them...and then maybe show them over and over and over again...and them let them practice it all on their own!  He still amazes me every day!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you got a smart little fella there!
    He's doing a great job :)


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