Sunday, April 6, 2014

huntin' farm with the guys!

I refer to Ryder's Mimi and Pawpaw's as "the farm" because it's a real farm, with cows, chickens, horses, etc.  But Poppy and Uncle G also refer to their "hunting club" as "the farm" I guess R has two farms--(actually three if you count my aunt and uncle's real farm!)--Just to clear up any confusion! ;)

R has been down to the farm before, but I went with him.  This trip was his first trip without me...and with just the guys!  It's been something we've talked about since before he was even born, and it was finally time for him to get away for the weekend with the guys!  It was a work weekend, so no hunting took place, but he had a blast and was a HUGE helper from what I hear! ;)

Uncle G has been going down to the farm since before he was 3 years old.  He now makes trips down there by himself with his friends from HS and college.  It's such a special place to them that holds more memories than they can count!  The deer hunt, duck hunt, alligator hunt, quail hunt and fish out well as all the other fun outdoorsy things! ;)

My dad held on to my tackle box from when I was little..and now R got to use it!  Good thing it's blue and he doesn't mind the flowers! :P
Helping load up the cooler (and no he didn't drink those Mt. Dews! ;))
Climbing up the deer stand to get out the cushions until next season!
This is Uncle George with his grandson Brady.  He's 1.5 older than Ryder--so I predict they will become the best of friends!  One day they'll be bringing their sons out to the same place to hunt!

Playing in the mud!  Doing what little boys do best!

This is Brady's dad Whit lifting R up to see the alligator popping his head up out in the pond...there are SO many of them out there it's scary!

He finally got to see (and ride) Poppy's tractor!  :P

Chocolate chip cookies before bed!

Thankful for the farm, and thankful for Poppy and Uncle G teaching and sharing with my baby their "love for the outdoors"!  I know this is the first of many trips down to "the farm" for this guy! ;)


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