Monday, April 7, 2014

how to: clean tile grout

I recently started following iHeart organizing and ran across her recipe to clean grout.  I have white tile for a counter top.  I knew the grout was dirty, but honestly didn't know there was a way to ever clean it.  I don't have a TON of counter top space, so I just figured one day I would have to replace it all with something else and it wouldn't be a big deal.  Until I discovered that you can actually clean that nasty dirt out of those tiny cracks!  

Who knew they even made brushes JUST for scrubbing grout?!?  NOT THIS GIRL!  I found mine at Fred's for....ONE DOLLAR!  Yes mam!  Can't beat that!  I changed my recipe up a bit and ended up just using what I had on hand...and it worked great!  I am still SHOCKED with my results!  

I covered the bottom of my bowl with Fabuloso and then added BS until I got the consistency that I wanted.  

It should be a paste, not liquid-y or solid but kinda like toothpaste.  Mix the two ingredients and then using a spatula, or something that will give, to spread it out on your grout.
Here is the beginning stages of me spreading it out...this takes some time no doubt, but SO worth it!

After I finished spreading out the paste, I sprayed it with my regular cleaner and let it sit for 30 minutes.  Obviously the longer you let it sit the longer it will have to soak in all the dirt to prepare to be scrubbed away!

Before I got to scrubbing after my 30 minutes was up, I sprayed it with my cleaner again just to make sure it was moist, because some of it had started to dry.  I got my scrubber and started scrubbing!  This part wasn't easy....and I had to clean off my scrubber every once and a while, but you could literally see the dirty coming out of those nasty cracks...and it will make you want to JUST KEEP SCRUBBING! ;)

This is another section before cleaning...

I knew my grout was dirty...but know I really know how dirty it was--since I have seen that I can do something about it!  I've lived in my house 4 years in August...and I wish I would have discovered this before now that's for sure!

This was after I had done a little bit of scrubbing....can you see all that NASTINESS??  This area was a little dirtier because it's right by the oven and where a lot of meal prepping goes on, for me at least!
So happy with my results...and my light kitchen is even lighter now and I love it!  

Whether you have tile counter tops, or a tile floor...this will work for you!  I will say that it has taken multiple wipe downs to get all the baking soda residue off my counters, but it hasn't bothered me because of how good my countertops look now!  ;)

I'm happy to share my dirty tile grout with you--now that I know how to fix it! ;)  I would love to see you're before and after pictures if you try this out in your own home!  

1 comment:

  1. Nice method! We should really keep access to all the cleaning solutions we could muster and use them to the best of our ingenuity. The before and after pictures of the tiles look so much different. The spaces in between the tiles look really clean now. Thanks for sharing!

    Veronica Newton @ Dry First


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