Sunday, December 8, 2013

gettin' in the spirit

Squeak made his way back to our house this week!  I didn't get around to our whole "North Pole Breakfast" like last year since we were out of town for 7 days and this was my last week of my Internship...but it will definitely be back next year!  I can't believe this is our third year with Squeak!  R was so glad to see he was back...and that he brought him a friend to play with!!
I've tried to get R to watch some Christmas movies with me...but he just isn't really into "movies".  So far the only one he'll watch is Polar Express, but I'll take it!
I stayed up late on Monday night working on school stuff and watching Hostages.  If you watch the show you know why it is appropriate that I watch the show this way!  OH.EMM.GEE!!
 On my way to school I literally LOLed at this deer stand blow up!
 Squeak brought R some window clings to hang on the window!  R loved them and spelling out "HO HO HO!"
 R went to his Mimi's on Tuesday night and made me a girl gingerbread!  I had honestly never tasted gingerbread before and I actually really liked it!
We've been reading Christmas stories every opportunity we get!  Mimi got him a new Christmas Disney book that has a Toy Story, Bambi and Tarzan Christmas story that have actually been really good!  He's loved them too!
Silly Squeak got caught drinking the syrup the other morning!  Silly elf!
Frozen rain/sleet and ice were predicted for us on Thursday off to the grocery store everybody goes!  I wasn't going to go, but I'm glad I did.  R is a great helper at the self check out.  School on Friday was cancelled Thursday night which is something that RARELY happens around here...but because the weather was calling for ICE and not SNOW--I think they took it a little more serious!

Our advent activity Thursday night was to make a gingerbread house which is one of R's favorite things!  We went the smart route the this year and bought a pre-build house...because last year's was a DISASTER!
Move Christmas movie/show watching while we have freezing temps outside!
We had "elf pancakes" Friday morning while we listened to the sleet hit our windows!  This are fun and easy to eat with your fingers...just dip and go!

Today we had to get out of the house.  I wanted to take R to see Frozen, but again...I showed him the trailer and he didn't want to go!  So...Sonic and Kroger it was instead!  :P  He just likes looking at all the toys!

Poppy got the four wheeler out and did a lil old school pulling on the sleet (yes...that's sleet, not snow!)
Tonight's advent activity was to write a letter to Santa.  R did great with his letters but we only got half way thru!  Ha!--that's okay...he's four!  We'll finish the rest tomorrow!

I got all my decor out last weekend and I finally got my tree out of the box, put up and decorated last night--so we are good to go now!  Such a relief--I just want to enjoy this special time with my lil guy making memories and teaching him the TRUE and ONLY meaning of Christmas.

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