Thursday, August 1, 2013

thursday tid-bits and random catch up

Just a few things to catch you up on around here...ENJOY!  =)
  • R loves going to the grocery store!  He wasn't sure what these lobsters were!  I remember going to the store with my mom as a kid and riding in the cart and begging her to go by the lobsters so we could see them!

  •  Mom had a shrimp boil for us a while was really good!  & was just getting us ready for all the yummy food to come at the beach!

  •  Okay, so we LOVED Despicable Me 2!  & I love the lil Minions and so does R!  I couldn't help but laugh at this graphic!

  •  This is R doing his "Minion face"--How funny is that?!  THere is a fun free Minion game for the iPad/iPhone.  If you have kiddos and don't already have it...get it for them, they'll love it!  =)

  •  iPad time on the couch with my little guy!  I guess it's okay he doesn't look like me if he's this cute!  :P

  •  I never shared out "Summer To Do" list on here, but we have been trying to make things off the list as summer is winding down!  Make homemade popsicles was on there...and we accomplished that the other day!  Love my little helper!  (We just used pink lemonade)

  •  My house was built in the 60's so my AC is in my attic.  Well...nothing like opening up your coat closet in the LR (that I rarely open) to see/smell mold all over the walls.  Luckily my dad called a friend and he was over in 15 only tear down the ceiling in that little closet to discover 30 gallons of water in my drip pan upstairs and telling us I needed a new AC.  The workers were literally there the next day from 930 AM-7 PM.  It was a mess, but thankful for a new AC and being taken care of!

  •  Naynee and her friends (her kids...R calls them her "friends") stayed a few nights at my mom's to have a garage sale and we went out to Patron on Friday night.  MAN!  I love that place.  Nothing like their homemade tortillas and cheese dip!  

  •  I had never finger painted with R when he got these little finger paints at school I told him he could play with them after dinner. He LOVED them so much...and that paper ended up turning to complete mush because he used so much paint!  Ahhh!!

  •  Sometimes I just can't help but LAUGH when R comes out of his room in different outfits!  He is too funny sometimes!  ;)

  • He's been begging for these and when I saw them for $4 at Fred's I let him get them...we'll find out if they work soon!  Now all he needs are some flippers!


1 comment:

  1. That R cracks me up. I bet there is never a dull moment with him!

    The shrimp looks so good. I've been craving shrimp lately. No idea why!


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