Friday, August 2, 2013

paintin' pottery

R has always been my little artist!  He'll paint just about anything you put in front of him!  One day I found some old flower pots in the pantry and told him we were going to paint them!  He did a crazy one and I did his hand prints on a big one and wrote "Count your blessings!"

When they dried, we went to ACE and got some flower seeds to plant in them!  It's been fun to watch them grow from a tiny little seed through out the summer!  Baby steps in the planting and gardening department!  We'll see what we can handle next year!  ;)
This is just a random pic...I don't know what he was thinking putting all those stickers on himself!  Ha!

Happy Friday friends!  =)


1 comment:

  1. They have so much fun with simple little projects like that. I need to take more time and do more projects with Axle!


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