Saturday, December 29, 2012

What's been going on 'round here...

Before I get to all the crazy Christmas posts I've been slacking on, I figured I'd letcha know what we've been up to since then!  ;)

I met up with Ryder's Mimi yesterday afternoon before my hair appointment for him to go stay with them for the night, since it had been a while.  He is always so excited to go out there & that makes me so happy!  I got my hair cut (just trimmed) then hit up Starbucks and Target for a nice, quiet, chill little shopping trip--for nothing I needed!  ;)  Still sounds heavenly to me!  ;)

 I woke up to pictures of this sweet boy playing out in the snow!
I am not normally a "breakfast" person...I used to get frosted flakes with a banana at a fancy breakfast place in town in High School...but since then, I am proud to say I have branched out!  ;)  Zac & I went to breakfast this morning at a local hangout...which was packed, but we waited anyway!  I tried Eggs Benedict for the first time...and lets just say, it won't be the last!  ;)

Then I met up with these crazies & Mimi at Burger King before heading to the movie theatre to watch Monster Inc. in 3D!  I had seriously forgotten how CUTE that movie was!  I will definitely be buying it for little man soon!
...Preface.  I have never-ever had a TV in my room.  It wasn't something we had growing up, and I've just never really been interested.  Now that it's just me and R, there ARE times when I seriously wish I didn't have to watch Jake and The Never Land Pirates!  Ha!  So...Santa surprised me & got me a TV for my room...along with a DVD and VCR player!  So...I can show R all my old VHS tapes that we don't have on DVD!  FUNN!  I don't have cable set up in my room yet...but I am proud to say that I set it all up by.myself. tonight & got it right on the first try!  R & I watched a little bit of a movie before going to bed!  =)  
While I was brushing little man's teeth before bed...I had Pandora on the Justin Bieber  station (getting ready for the upcoming concert y'all!  ;)) & as I was just practicing...trying to be like ole' JB himself...this is what my lil man did!  Ha!  Was it really THAT bad!  ;) 

We are enjoying our time away from school...and being careful & not have a bed time!  It will be over before we know it though!  :(



  1. Winter break is going to end way too soon isn't it? I've really enjoyed having my oldest home with me too. I'm going to miss her when she goes back!

    I'm so jealous of your snow!!! I want snow here so bad and it just doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon.

    Your breakfast looks like it was DELICIOUS!!! I used to never eat breakfast and now it might just be one of my fave meals of the day!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend friend

  2. I got the same EC planner for Christmas!!!
    I've nominated you for a liebster award. Check out my blog soon for the post! Have a fabulous rest of your Christmas break!!


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