Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mama's Randoms...

Just a few things you do as a student going into Middle Level Education Math and Science!  ;)

Build & shoot rockets with different amounts of water in them to see how high they will go...

Examine sheeps' brains and hearts...I love the one of the heart cut in half!  SOOO interesting!  If that doesn't make someone believe in God, I don't know what would!  Only HE could have come up with such an interesting, and in-depth organ that gives us LIFE!
Take life-size blue whales to elementary schools to let kids walk in and explore!  This whale even has a tickle spot by her fin, and when you tickle her she flaps her fin & spouts out of her blow hole!  :P
This is the view from inside of the whale...it really is cool!  It was built by one of my professors and a class of his a few years ago!
Instead of taking a final...the same professor let us help him build a heart big enough for students to walk-through, just like the whale.  It will have the left and right chambers on the inside, as well as all the veins and arteries.  Eventually, it will connect to a set of walk-through lungs that we are going to build as well!
We laid out the tarp, cut it in the shape we wanted and then taped the two pieces together on the outside...

...then we made a tunnel to connect to a box fan, and then blew it up!  Then we went on the inside and taped it in there just to make sure it would hold.
Pretty cool if you ask me!  We aren't done yet, but it will be really neat when we are!

I love being an Education major & seriously cannot WAIT to have my own classroom and kiddos one day!  =)


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