Monday, July 26, 2010

Random Ramblings...

-Punkin' and I have been real low key today.  But I can say that he is officially a WALKER now.  He is walking more than he is crawling, he moves SO much faster now, and is into SO much more stuff!!

-No one tells you about "when they start walking stage...".  You only hear about the sleepless nights of the "newborn" stage.  This is BY FAR...WAY more work!  I am seriously worn out by the end of the day!  HA!  When they are newborns, you can lay them on the floor for tummy time, or put them in their swing to unload the dishwasher real fast before they want to be picked up again, or the bouncy seat, or even there for a while you could put them in the exersaucer!  But NOT now!  Every day is an adventure, and I am NOT complaining...but it's definitely a WHOLE new ball game!  Mom's that have babies that aren't mobile NOT complain just yet!  ENJOY IT!  They will get there one day!

-I officially started working on some crafts/projects for lil man's birthday party!  I know that once I move and start school I will not have much time to do starting early won't hurt anything!  I finished a banner to hang above the fireplace and am about done with his cupcake toppers.  I would show pictures...but I don't want to ruin anything for the party guests!  :P

-I have been dying to get outside and spray paint this metal baker's rake that I bought at Hobby Lobby last week for 60 dollars...(was 179!) but the rain has kept me from doing so.  I did run to HL today thought to get some of my favorite spray paint (Rust oleum American Accents) in Canyon Black.  HL is the only place in town that has it, and it's on sale this week for 30% off!

-I am loving Jenna's blog hop right now!  I have found some great new blogs that I can't wait to become followers of!  There are some inspiring stories out there, and some great "mommy" ideas!

-We are still loving some Fro Yo.  Just can't seem to get enough of it.  We might have to go tomorrow since we haven't been since we haven't been since....Saturday!  Ha!

-I am also getting stuff ready for Rhea Lana's children consignment sale that is coming up in August.  I have never consigned before, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes.  I have gone as a shopper once before, but didn't know what I was having yet, so it wasn't that much fun.  


  1. I'm over from Jenna's Journey's blog hop, and I'm loving it too! It's so much fun to find new blogs (and to comment on them, which I'm horrible at). Your blog is so cute, and your son is adorable.


  2. Ryder is just the cutest thing! I'm following you now too! Looking forward to seeing all the plans for little man's first birthday in September!


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