Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pools, Parties, and Premier Seating...

I found this pool @ Target for $4.99.  Who could refuse that kind of deal?  I knew there was no use in spending a lot on a pool that was probably going to get popped anyways...and have to buy a new one for next summer!  I busted it out for Punkin' Friday night...and HE.LOVED.IT!
I pulled out some bath toys for him to play with.  I thought maybe we could get in the pool together...WRONG!  HA!  It was just the perfect size for lil man!

Saturday, Punkin' went to his first "kid birthday" party!  A little boy from our old neighborhood, Braxton, was turning one!  Him and Ryder are 6 weeks apart.  Braxton's mom and I's due dates were 4 weeks apart, but Braxton came early, and Ryder came late!
They had lots of new toys...that we don't have that Punkin' LOOOOOVED!  Always loves something new!

And finally...we got Punkin' a big boy carseat!  So far so good!  It's still rear facing...which I'm ready for him to be able to see, and me see him!  I wanted this carseat, but everyone was sold out of it for weeks, so I finally just ordered it from WM.com and got free shipping...TO THE HOUSE!  Even better!
Here he is in it for the first time!  I love how he reaches out to me like that...he wants me when he does that!  


  1. What a cute little man you have there! Aren't boys just precious!!

  2. Your little guy is so cute! What do you use to spike up his hair?

  3. Blog hopping from Jenna's :)

    Your little boy is adorable!!! I love his pink polo. Great blog!

  4. Hopping over from Jenna's - your little guy is adorable! And what a great find at Target too - I should go check it out, we could use a little pool like that!
    Have a great day! :)


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