Tuesday, December 30, 2014

how i'm taking one of my summer goals, and running with it NOW

This is a list of goals and things I wrote down on my pantry door this summer, that I wanted to try/accomplish.  As I am trying to de-clutter our house and have a fresh start with things, it was time to erase this list, but I quickly took a picture just in case I decided to rewrite the list some where else for my own sake later on.

As you can see I accomplished a few things on my list including making my own cold brew, purchasing essential oils and learning about those, and participating in yoga.

Excuse the fact I didn't know how to spell embroidery when I was writing this list.  My mom quickly pointed this mistake out for me.  I've never been the best speller.

Hand written notes--this is something I did pretty well at.  I made a list of people I wanted to send a "just because" note to in my phone and I just went down the list until I had sent something to everyone.  This is something I would like to see myself continue to do.

This post seems to be about New Years Resolutions, and it kinda is, and it kinda isn't.

Moving on down the list.

Memory verses.  Wow.  This was something I did not tackle AT ALL.  I spent time in The Word, and doing different devotionals and Bible Studies to learn more from and about Him, but memorizing the things He has left for us in His Word so that I can hold it near and dear to my heart?  Nope.  Not something I've taken seriously at all, but I want to.

So many times I'm in a conversation or in the middle of a lesson with people in my small group or Sunday School class and I know there is verse that relates to the topic, but I don't remember where the verse is found, or exactly what the verse says--because I haven't memorized it.  Because of that, I don't say anything at all.  I don't want that to be the case any more!! 

I didn't quite know how I was going go about tackling this goal, or even where I was going to get started.  

Until yesterday.

My Ladies Bible Study leader at church posted on FB that Beth Moore had blogged about her Seista Scripture Memory Team for 2015.  I had never even heard of it before to be honest, but it caught my attention and so I checked into it.  

Learning/memorizing 24 verses in 12 months.  Seems do-able right?  And...the best part, you get to pick the verses you memorize!  I love this--because if she was just assigning verses to us to memorize, they may not have as much meaning to each one of us at that time, as it would if we all picked our own verses from what we needed to learn at that point on our lives.

It's amazing how God puts things in front of us at just the right time!  This was the push and the structure I needed to meet this goal of mine.

Will it be easy?  No.  Will it be time consuming?  Yes.  Will it be worth it?  Yes!  Will I be proud of myself at the end of those 12 months?--I sure hope so!  

There are more details to the SSMT2015 if you are interested in learning more about how it works, HERE.  I don't think anyone who takes on this task will regret it at the end of the year.  

It would be easy to not change anything, and make the decision to remain the same.  But I don't want to remain the same.  I want to change.  So these are the steps I am taking in front of me to make and be a better me.

I'll share more about the rest of my list including compassion and "drop in ready" soon!  :)

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