Monday, September 15, 2014

5 year old birthday celebration

I guess I say it every year...but time sure does fly!  How can I possibly have a FIVE year old??  That doesn't seem okay!  This is his last year where he won't be in grade school.  I just THINK life is busy right now, but I know that it hasn't even started!

He had been wanting a new Paw Patrol set that he saw at Target.  But I told him after the one time he told me he wanted it, that he didn't need to talk about it any more.  I luckily got him the last one our Target had...and a few other things for his birthday.  He woke up in bed and I went and got him the new laundry basket I had gotten him for his new room.  I gave it to him and you could tell he was a bit disappointed, but thankful at the same time.  It was quit funny now looking back.  He looked at it...and then crawled right back in bed to watch TV.
I called him into the kitchen and he didn't want to come because it was "too cold" but I finally convinced him to come and he got his real present!  His reaction was so cute and I'm so glad I captured it on camera!

He even said, "You tricked me mom...that was funny!!"  I guess I should have gotten up earlier or stayed up late to put that thing together...I felt bad that he didn't get to play with it that morning before school!!
After I picked him up from school we met his dad, cousins Hannah and Caleb, Uncle Josh and Aunt Amanda, Mimi and Pawpaw, KeeKee and Poppy and Uncle G to do some bowling!  R wanted to go bowling all summer and we just never made it out there.  This ended up being perfect and he loved having us all there together.

As a split family we want Ryder to know he is what ties us all together and we all love HIM and I'm so thankful that we can still all do things like this together in celebration of Ryder.

Every single time any body did anything good (knocked down any pins) Ryder was the first one out there to hug them and tell them "GOOD JOB!"  It was the sweetest thing!
After bowling we went to Colton's for dinner!  Or as Ryder calls it, "the peanut place"!  We haven't been there since last year on his birthday and ever since he's been asking to go!  So here we were!!  Mimi got him a school sticker to wear!

We didn't tell the restaurant to do anything crazy for his birthday...but they did anyways!  Ryder was scared at first, but then he loved it!!  It was really sweet!  

By the time we got home he was one tired little boy...but a BLESSED little boy!  I hope he knows how much he is truly LOVED!
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