Friday, May 30, 2014

rainy friday randoms

Last full week of school and I'm pretty sure the teachers are over it just as much as the kids!!  It's fun but it can be exhausting!!  

I have been going to bed at the same time as R this week and STILL exhausted when waking up!  :(  Not a fun feeling!  Looking forward to the weekend for sure!
I'm on a scrambled egg kick right now...and LOVE having farm fresh eggs at the house!  I always kick myself for not even trying eggs until college. :(  I know....right?!
This little guy thinks he has to have his picture taken with the toilet paper every time we go to Target now!  Ha!
A teacher had a birthday this week, and she LOVED Dr. Pepper--so someone made her Dr. Pepper cupcakes!  They were delish!!
This is my creamer jam.  I've said before I've tried other things and they just don't do the job!  We'll--look who got a makeover!!
Sometimes, during the last few days of have to use a paper clip as a bobby pin in your big, rainy day, frizzy, side-braid hair!  My kids were making fun of me! :P
...and then you have one of your sweet girls fish tail braid your hair! ;)
Got my new Tervis in the mail yesterday!  I love turqoise so this cup is perfect for me!  Code for FREE SHIPPING is still good for two days!  {MAY14}

Hope you have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend!  We've got a garage sale for R's school to raise money for a storm shelter and a Tball game!  WAHOO!
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