Saturday, December 7, 2013

day 3 in the atl

Tuesday...we didn't really have any plans and Tonya & Luke were both going to be working from home which was nice!  Ryder and I basically chilled and made a few trips to town to get out of T & L's hair!  ;)
I found out their Target had underground parking!  I mean--HELLO!  Who wouldn't use this genius invention when it's pouring down rain!?  You just park your car & ride an escalator up to the store!  Easy as that!
Then..when it's time to leave, you obviously can't take your cart down the escalator with they have an escalator for your cart!  This ole AR girl was just blown away!!  :P

They had a Chuck E Cheese just down the road from their house and R spotted it the day we got there and asked me to take him!  He's been asking to go to one for a long time (after seeing commercials on TV) and I just couldn't ever take him to ours because I always remember it being so GROSS!

Since it was raining out and there wasn't much else to do...I decided we would give it a try!  HUGE success and only cost me $10!!  It was so clean and everyone there was so nice!  R had a great time and he finally got to see what CEC was ALL about! :P

We got home and took a lil nap before getting dinner started!
My parents and brother drove in from AR that day and we had them and Aunt Kathy over for dinner (Uncle Sam got called out to fly).  We had YUMMY pork carnitas (tacos) with cheese dip, rice and beans, and Ton's amazing jalepeno poppers which I will have to get the recipe for soon!

Also...Luke made chocolate chip cookies and R wanted to help.  Luke let him pour things into the bowl, mix it up etc.  Well...while Luke went to let the cat out (all of less than 30 seconds)--R decided to get a spoon full of baking soda and pour it into the mixture bowl.  Hummm....this is what your cookies will like if a little boy adds extra BS to your cookie mix!  ;P  They still tasted DELICIOUS though!  =)


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