Wednesday, October 9, 2013

punkin's 4th birthday!

Time to wake up little four year old!

He got to open a present in bed!  He had gotten the big Octanaut set the night before and was so excited to get the final piece!
It was also free breakfast day at of course we were there!  :P  & I called it birthday breakfast!  ;)
Man time flies!  We sure have had fun!
Exact time & date of Punkin's birthday!
We made a trip to Patti Cake's after school for a fun lil birthday treat!
He is secure enough in his man hood to enjoy a PINK cupcake!  ;)
His one request was to go to the "peanut place" (AKA Colton's) for that's where we went!
The brought R some ice cream and a brownie!  There was a sweet little boy about Ryder's age in the room beside us, and on his way out he stopped and said, "Happy Birthday!"  It was seriously the sweetest thing and made R so happy!
He loves his Uncle G!
Me & my big four year old!

& a walk home from KeeKee & Poppy's after a fun but busy day!

So thankful for this little boy and all that he has taught me over the past four year!  I love you more than you will ever know baby boy! =)


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